Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
One of the very exciting and rewarding opportunities the Miss America Organization offers is the chance to raise funds for local children’s hospitals through Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The money I raise will help save children’s lives, and a portion will also go toward supporting the Miss America Scholarship Fund.
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals make sure that donated funds stay local, which means that your donation helps kids and families right here in our community! I invite you to join me in touching the lives of children in need by clicking "DONATE" below and making a secure donation to CMNH. You can also see the impact of your donation and some of the incredible miracle stories from kids we've helped. These are just a few stories out of millions of kids treated at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals each year.
Thank you so much for your support, for helping me make miracles happen, and for helping me reach one step closer to becoming Miss America, the National Goodwill Ambassador for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!